General Information
School Facebook
St. Joseph’s School has a Facebook account to enable parents and caregivers to keep up-to-date with current activities in the school.
New Entrants
We like children to have had some class visits before starting school. This helps to familiarise them with school routines and is a way of gentle easing them into full-time school life. Please talk with the office administrator about arranging these.
Reading Recovery
Once children turn 6, they are tested on their reading and writing abilities. To catch children before they fall behind, some children between 6 – 6.5 years will be given the opportunity to accelerate their reading and writing progress through participation in Reading Recovery.
Kapa Haka
Kapa Haka is timetabled for one hour per week.
Parent Help
If you have time that you could spare on a regular basis to help out in the classroom, this would be appreciated. Your assistance helps us provide quality programmes. Help is also often needed on school/class trips and you will be asked for this as the need arises.
Stationery packs are given out to all students and this cost is set at the beginning of each year, payment can be made through the school office or internet banking.
Whanau Evenings
These are held at the end of every term. This is a great way for the students to showcase their learning and achievements for the term.